This is a virtual garden of non-existent plants. Some were once real and went extinct, leaving only a memory behind. Some were imagined by me. All plants come into a harmonized existence on this web-page.
We, as humans, rarely think of plants as sentient beings and glance at their deaths without grief or despair, only with mere shame.
Think of plants as of your ancestors from the deep dark past. You could’ve learned something from them, but they died in a genocide. How unfortunate.
There is a room of knowledge in other forms of existence, knowledge non-human, slower paced, and calmly persistent. Plants themselves are life created from the non-living. Does that not make you marvel in wonder?
I am charmed and endeared. That is what makes me dreamy and mournful simultaneously. All of us enjoy being with plants: we imagine ourselves in nature surrounded by grasses, trees and mosses before we drift to sleep. It is exactly this affection that makes me grieve when I see carelessness and neglect leading to extinction.